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Services for overseas students
Cultural differences, lack of information, language restrictions and unfamiliarity with formal Canadian processes are the primary reasons why overseas students often encounter difficulties and delays at each of the steps along the route from preparing and submitting an application for admission to a College / University, to arriving in Canada and thereafter settling down into student life.
In view of this, we have developed a comprehensive range of services support and facilitation services for our clients covering all aspects of College / University application, immigration, and living.
Summary of Services for Overseas Students
For simplicity and standardization, the services are offered as standardized Student Services Packages which group together different services as follows:
The College / University Application Package (CAP / UAP)
The College / University Application Package includes:
Write to us at to know more about our services and to get a quote.
The Visa Application and Travel Advice Package (VATA)
The Visa Application and Travel Advice Package includes:
The Daily Life Package (DLP)
The Daily Life Package includes:
Note: Edu Edge Inc offers immigration services by retaining authorized personnel.
Cultural differences, lack of information, language restrictions and unfamiliarity with formal Canadian processes are the primary reasons why overseas students often encounter difficulties and delays at each of the steps along the route from preparing and submitting an application for admission to a College / University, to arriving in Canada and thereafter settling down into student life.
In view of this, we have developed a comprehensive range of services support and facilitation services for our clients covering all aspects of College / University application, immigration, and living.
Summary of Services for Overseas Students
For simplicity and standardization, the services are offered as standardized Student Services Packages which group together different services as follows:
The College / University Application Package (CAP / UAP)
The College / University Application Package includes:
- Advice and assistance in preparing and submitting an application to College / University, in terms of English language, style and content of the application, and covering:
- Guidance in preparation of a Curriculum Vitae (CV).
- Advice and assistance in the preparation of a personal statement.
- Advice and assistance in the completion and submission of College / University application forms.
- Guidance in the preparation of bank statements and supporting financial paperwork.
- Identifying and applying for scholarships and bursaries.
- Receiving and responding to offer letters.
- Advice and assistance in arranging accommodation.
Write to us at to know more about our services and to get a quote.
The Visa Application and Travel Advice Package (VATA)
The Visa Application and Travel Advice Package includes:
- Comprehensive information covering visa application and immigration rules.
- Advice on obtaining an appropriate visa and assistance with completion of the paperwork in terms of English language and wording.
- Provision of advice for visa interviews.
- Advice on the paperwork to be carried on the immigration journey.
- Advice on visa renewal and assistance with completion of the paperwork in terms of English language and wording.
- Advice on international travel in terms of ticket types, routes and booking procedures.
- Personal meet and greet at the nearest located international airport upon first arrival.
- The provision upon first arrival of a private transport service from the nearest international airport to the identified student accommodation.
- Information session about the local town/city, highlighting key amenities like shops, restaurants, healthcare, post office, railway station, taxis, local sightseeing etc.
- Advice on the availability of community/social groups and activities for overseas students/visitors.
- Provision of a comprehensive Welcome Pack containing a wealth of information about the student's College / University, student life and the local town/city, including: being a student at College / University, climate and clothes, travelling using public and private transport, what to see and do in the local area, shopping and eating out, safety, security and the Canadian emergency services.
The Daily Life Package (DLP)
The Daily Life Package includes:
- Access to the Edu Edge's Telephone Helpline (during office hours) to enable them to seek advice on any general matter of life in Canada.
- Access to the Edu Edge's On-line Questions and Answers Service (this is not an automated service – all queries are personally answered by one of experienced advisors).
- Access to very comprehensive up-to-date information and advice on all general matters of life in the U.S and Canada, including each of the following issues.
- Legal requirements and the implications of being a student in Canada, the paperwork requirements and the costs involved.
- Registering for and accessing healthcare.
- Keeping yourself and your belongings safe and secure, personal and belongings insurance.
- Accessing banking and financial services, the costs of living.
- Assistance for finding paid work in the Canada, the restrictions and income tax implications.
- Driving in Canada, obtaining a driving license, buying and running a car.
- Canadian etiquette, customs and traditions.
- Renting accommodation.
- Sourcing information and advice, and using communications.
Note: Edu Edge Inc offers immigration services by retaining authorized personnel.